Skoči na glavno vsebino

Predstavitev na partnerskem sestanku, 28. 2. 2022

Predstavitev dela dijakov in mentorjev Srednje šole za lesarstvo v projektu Alptrees ter razstave Drevesa potujejo v Centru DUO na partnerskem sestanku projekta Alptrees

Pripravila: Darja Barič, Razvojna agencija Sora

Thank you again for the wonderful presentation you shared with us today.
Your activity is by far the most creative and amazing student related work we have I our project!
Please tell the students that were involved, that we feel so blessed with their talent and their openness to experiment with “unorthodox” timber.
All the best for their future and for the exhibition!
We wish you lots of visitors and clients!

Petra Meisel, odgovorna oseba za komunikacijo v projektu Alptrees, Dunaj

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